Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Kingdom Hearts Manga


The Kingdom Hearts manga is a 4-part series written by Shiro Amando. It tells the basic story of the game (so don't pass up the game for the books) but filled with more jokes and witty humor. The box set collection can be found here. The series tends to make the game seem more Disney orented, rather than a story of it's own.

The Chain of Memories manga is much better, even if it skips most of the Disney worlds. It contains all of Sora's story, and Reverse Rebirth. If you don't have Final Mix+ and you hate Gameboy games it can suffice as far as the story goes. It's box set can be purchesed here.

As for KH2, a manga series has been started, but the next issue won't be released until next year.
It covers more story than the other two game's manga does, but changes some story elements, like the Dusks capturing Roxas in a cage made of Dusks, rather than a single one confronting Roxas. The first volume can be bought here.

A novel is in the works, but won't be released until June 2008.

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