Sunday, December 16, 2007

Japanese KH site


Square-Enix JP has updated their website to include KH Birth by Sleep, Coded, and 358/2 Days.
Here are some pics of the site:

Visit the site.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Now in stores (and on is the Kingdom Hearts Trading Card Game. Currently availiable, is the "Kingdom Pack. Which includes and instructional video, a starterdeck, a booster pack, a key set, and a super rare foil card.
Or, you can get the Booster Deck, which only contains a 40-card deck and the DVD.

Monday, November 26, 2007

CodeBreaker FAQ

Here is a FAQ to use CodeBreaker. It's short and to the point. If you can't find any codes, then you may PM me on YouTube. I'll add this to the "navigation" link list.

Special Requests are still down, Sorry all.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Birth By Sleep: Known worlds, Keybaldes and Characters

Sunet Horizons

Mickey Mouse
"Master Xehanort"
Dark Soldier

Terra's Keyblade (seems to be rock-based)
Jungle King
Whishing Lamp
Dark Keyblade (weilded by Dark Soldier and Xehanort)

Olympus Coliseum

Young Hercules?

Sleeping Beauty's Castle?

Terra HQ 2
They appear to be a form of shadow, possibly more powerfull than Neoshadows.

Destiny Islands


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nomura Discussed Kingdom Hearts

October 2, 2007 - Tetsuya Nomura is in the Japanese press yet again, sharing a few new bits of info on Square Enix's big Tokyo Game Show unveiling, the three new Kingdom Hearts games. This time, Nomura spoke to the monthly Gemaga.

Nomura began by noting that the fact that all three titles were announced at the same time doesn't mean players should consider the new Kingdom Hearts games to be similar to the Fabula Nova Crystallis or Compilation of Final Fantasy VII series. Different from those, the three games started development at different times and will be released at different times.

In previous interviews, Nomura revealed that the PSP game, Birth by Sleep, started development first but would likely be released last. Here, he let slip that the DS game, 358/2 Days would likely see release first, followed by the cell phone game, Coded.

Unfamiliar with the Kingdom Hearts series? Feeling a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of having to play the two PS2 titles and the Game Boy Advance game before sampling these new portable titles? Don't be! Nomura feels that little experience with the series won't be a problem for those trying to get into the new games, as their main characters are all different. He does, however, believe that the feeling of control from past titles is retained for the new games, so players who have played the past games will have the easiest time at it.

Moving on to individual titles, the magazine first tackled Birth by Sleep. As mentioned in previous interviews, the game is being developed in Osaka by the same team that developed Musashi Samurai Legend and Re: Chain of Memories. The project was born when, during the development of Kingdom Hearts II, the Osaka team requested to be involved if Nomura decided to make a "gaiden" (side-story) in the Kingdom Hearts series. "The project was for the PSP from the start of planning," Nomura noted.

There's been a bit of confusion as to how the game's multi scenario system will work. Here, Nomura clarified just a bit. "The game will have three scenarios, and you'll be able to play from which ever one you like. You'll even likely be able to stop mid way through and start a new scenario."

While there's no singly important scenario or main character, "the main point of the story is to answer, 'Ven, who are you?'" (Ven, who resembles Roxus, is one of the three main characters -- read all about it in our initial report on the game.)

Also mentioned in previous interviews is that Birth by Sleep will consist entirely of Disney worlds. The game takes place in the past, years prior to the original Kingdom Hearts, and the worlds will be updated to reflect this. Nomura envisions having a young Hercules appear in the Hercules world, for instance. New Disney worlds will also appear, as will favorite characters like Disney and Goofy.

Gemaga also managed to sneak in a few bits on the game's battle system. It will, as previously hinted by Nomura, be an evolved version of the deck system that was used in Chain of Memories, where, prior to battle, you set up a card deck consisting of commands that are fed into your command menu. Also getting some hype from Nomura in past interviews was the game's character growth system; Gemaga wasn't able to get specifics, but they did say that Square Enix could make a full game based off this system alone!

Moving on to 358/2 Days (that's pronounced "Three Five Eight Days Over Two," according to the pronunciation listed in Gemaga), Nomura answered one big question we've all been wondering: where will Disney characters fit into the storyline, which is centered around Roxus and Organization XIII. "They will appear in the game," said Nomura of the Disney family, "but in a slightly different form. KH is generally a story where you set out on a journey with a goal in mind. However, Roxus is a member of Organization XIII, so he always returns to the home base. So, this is not a story about a journey. Also, Roxus's personality is such that he does not actively attempt to come into contact with other characters. So, the relationship to Disney characters will be different from before."

Nomura and crew are, surprisingly, making minimal use of the stylus for this game. "Wonderful World is a game where we fully used the DS's functionality," explained Nomura. "However, this time, we're not really using the DS functionality. In order to not break the Kingdom Hearts control feel, we're not using the stylus. Also, we're planning on using the bottom screen for something."

So what is that "something"? We're not sure about single player, but during multiplayer mode, the bottom screen will be used for a unique chat system, Nomura revealed. Players will be able to draw on this screen in order to communicate messages to one-another. Different from Pictochat, everyone draws on the same screen. Nomura and crew are also considering adding a few action buttons to the chat screen; these will be for actions that don't specifically affect gameplay.

It should be noted that Nomura's mention of chat features isn't confirmation of Wi-Fi play being included in the game. For all we know, the game may just be local-area play for four players, with chat thrown in for fun (we imagine being able to draw on the same screen as being quite fun regardless of distance).

Local area or 'net based, multiplayer looks like it's going to bring plenty of replay value to the 358/2 Days. Players will be able to select from the thirteen members of the Organization XIII, although each player will have to choose a unique character. The game will offer up a variety of missions, some asking that you defeat enemies, some asking that you fight one another, and others requiring that you recover items. Single and multiplayer modes are connected in that your character's growth is shared between the two.

Finally, on Coded, Nomura made one comment of particular interest. As a reaction to the tough mobile games market, where plenty of free games are on offer, Coded is going to be released under a new business model, something that the industry hasn't seen before. "It will be very easy to enter," he hinted. We're going to speculate that this means the game will be made available for cheap, or even free.

Unlike the DS and PSP games, Coded shares its main character in common with KH1 and KH2. It's also the only game that takes place after Kingdom Hearts II.

But this game isn't Kingdom Hearts III. The Sora in Coded is actually a "data version" of the Kingdom Hearts hero. The game takes place on the pages of Jiminy Cricket's notebook. The story involves data versions of Sora and King Mickey searching for a secret message left behind by Jiminy by investigating the events of the original Kingdom Hearts.

Gameplay is a bit of a mystery at this point. The game does have the same basic interface as past Kingdom Hearts titles, with a command window featuring "fight," "magic" and "item." Screenshots show Sora with Goofy and Donald, although it's unknown if they'll fight together.

Taking a primarily role in the game is the "Debugging Mode." As Sora journeys through the digital world of Jiminy's notebook, he encounters bugs (the computer type of bugs) that appear in the form of blocks scattered about the play fields. These have to be cleared if you want to approach your enemies. You can also use the blocks to solve puzzles and climb up to higher ground.

Like Final Fantasy Agito XIII, Coded is being designed around cell phone models that don't exist yet. However, the developers are holding back a bit with Coded, particularly to account for overseas markets where mobile power is lacking.

Screenshots released of the game suggest a wide-screen title. The game is actually being designed with the idea that it will be the norm for cell phone owners to be able to swivel their monitors around for wide-screen play (this is something that's available in only a few sets in Japan at the moment).

While these three new Kingdom Hearts games were announced at the same time, similar to Coded, none of them qualify as Kingdom Hearts III. They do have some connections to the future third entry in the series, though. "I can't say specifically," explained Nomura, "but there was a message along those lines in the trailers. Something about these three titles being connected to a story that is to come. I believe you'll be able to foresee things through these three games."

I know that this is a bit of old info, but news of the next three KH games has almost completly stopped.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

KH2 Volume 2 Release date announced.


The release date for Kingdom Hearts 2 Volume 2 By Shiro Amado is May 13th, 2008. The Book is now availiable for pre-order on Amazon.

Also, the Kingdom Hearts books "The First Door" and "The Darkness Within" are for pre-order. Also available on May 13th.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Promo Vid, not.

Allright, as it seemed, there was supposedly a promo vid of the next three KH games in this magazine:

But, due to a mistranslation, there will not be or never was. Hope nobody got too excited about this, y'know, rabies, droll, and whatnot.

Source:, Kingdom Hearts network, KH insider

Wednesday, November 7, 2007



Remember when I said that I would have downloads? Well, I finally got around to uploading some files to Mediafire. Here are all that I've done so far:

Saix and Kairi
Saix Vs Riku
Saix battle scene
Saix and Xemnas
Saix Data Rematch

They are all Siax themed because I was helping a friend with a project. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

358/2 Days HQ Pics


As hard as it is for me to say this, I'm slow with my KH news, and a little Shorthanded here. Anyway, I've found more HQ Pics again on Famitsu:

358 by 2 Days HQ

358 by 2 Days HQ 2

Roxas HQ

Members of each weapon because of the different handling, and features such as the ability to chang. Cooperation play in the four Teamwork is the demand to be!

Axel HQ

Siax HQ

Also, NKA'S KHB has had a fresh makeover.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

High Quality BBS pictures


On there can be found more high quality pictues:





Famitsu has this to say about the battle system:
The battle system is still in the trial and error stage, but a new series announced by the group works in the series, now play the most sense to be close to it. Of course, the system also uses a new battle. There are a lot of new ability so, Sola and the Battle HITO味different sense going to be.
I'll leave this for anyone who wants to try to understand it. Since my translating program isn't very good.

Here are some higher quality pics of the battle system. Althought they aren't new, it's much clearer.
Terra HQ

Terra HQ 2

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Changes to Christmas Town in KH2FM


In Final Mix + upon entering Crhristmas Town you'll no longer hear the Halloween Town music but now the tune, "What a Surprise!" Also, Sora has been transformed into and Elf, Donald to a snowduck, and Goofy a reigndog. The battle music has been changed to "Happy Holidays."

Heres a vid that shows it all:

Sorry I didn't use Donald in that video...

Friday, October 26, 2007

PAL Kingdom Hearts


As many people know, Kingdom Hearts is now an international game. This is the PAL (European) game's site:
The trailer in the game is all scenes from the US version of the game. It's rather funny how the PAL players are to the US, like the US were to the JAP.

There are several languages on that site.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Kingdom Hearts Statues


Shortly before the Kingdom Hearts Manga was released a set of statues went on sale by fomation arts. The Sora figure can be bought here. After the Re:Com manga was released a second series of statues was released which can be bought here.

NOT the cover to the next KH games


This will most definatly NOT be the cover to the next KH game (after BBS, 358/2, and Coded) FAKE KH3
This cover is probably just a Photoshop joke which would of been a game based on the sectret ending of KH2, but that's been made in the form of Birth by Sleep.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Two Kingdom Hearts Final Mix keyblades

In Kingdom Hearts Final Mix there are 2 new keyblades One Winged angel and Diamond Dust. Ine Winged angel is a keyblade that focuses mostly on fire, while Diamond Dust features ice. Both keyblades can be obtained in card form in Chain of Memories. There are also two new Keyblades in KH2FM+ one is called "Winner's Proof" and the other's name I don't know (I've only seen it in Japanese.)

First Kingdom Hearts Action Figures


In 2002 along with the release of the first KH game ToyCom released 12 Kigdom Hearts action figures 2 per pack, and the following year 12 more. These figures are a rare collectors item now, and really only one is for sale now, Beast and Rapsody.

There are some up for bidding on Ebay (just scroll to the bottom of the page.)

EDIT: More have been found for sale: Donald Goofy Darkside.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Kingdom Hearts TCG


Yet another treat for Japan only (until October sometime) it the Kingdom Hearts TCG
This is just one of the packs. All of them can be bought here: KH TCG list.
There are some for KH1 and 2. A booster box can be bought for about $49.

Friday, October 19, 2007

KH2FM crowns


In KH2FM for completing the XII Mushrooms, beating Terra, or the XIII organization data rematches you get a crown. Once you've beat all three you'll get the gold crown. For now, I only have the bronze crown:

Sora w Crown
It's sorta hard to see it in my videos, but it's definatly there.

Playing as Terra, Ven, and Aqua?


On I spotted an interesting article:

The newly-announced Kingdom Hearts game for the Sony PSP, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep for the Sony PSP will be about the exploits of three new characters - Terra, Ven, and a third who’s yet to be named <-(Aqua). Each character will have his own scenario that revolves pretty much around them, told in their own perspectives, somewhat like Suikoden III when the story is similiarly told from each characters’ perspective depending on who you chose initially.

I don't know how true this is, but it sounds cool!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Data Rematches


Yet another addition to FM+ is the data Rematches. Each has twice as much HP as they noramlly do, and to beat them you MUST be Lv99.

Axel Luxord Marluxia Xemnas

When they are all defeated you get a Crown.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

4 of the new FM scenes

There are several new scenes in FM+ that relate to 358/2 Days and Birth By Sleep. The first is Namine on Sunset hill: View. The second is a scene where Xemnas visits his "Room of Sleep" View it here. Zexion and Xigbar discuss Xemnas' "Room of Sleep."

There is also another scene where Xemnas and Xigbar threaten Axel, but this has little or nothing to do with the next three games: Watch it here.

KH 358/2, Birth By Sleep, and Coded picture list.


Here are all the pics I've croped of the next three games:

358/2 Days

Axel Gameplay
Roxas Gameplay
Xigbar Gameplay
Siax Gameplay
Roxas Gliding
Multiplayer gameplay

Birth By Sleep

Terra Gameplay 1
Terra Gameplay 2
Terra and Ven
Ven 1
Ven 2


Traverse Town
Debugging Mode
Return to free them from their torment.
Data Sora

All images have been cropped and enlarged from the Japanese Magazene, Famitsu

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Kingdom Hearts Manga


The Kingdom Hearts manga is a 4-part series written by Shiro Amando. It tells the basic story of the game (so don't pass up the game for the books) but filled with more jokes and witty humor. The box set collection can be found here. The series tends to make the game seem more Disney orented, rather than a story of it's own.

The Chain of Memories manga is much better, even if it skips most of the Disney worlds. It contains all of Sora's story, and Reverse Rebirth. If you don't have Final Mix+ and you hate Gameboy games it can suffice as far as the story goes. It's box set can be purchesed here.

As for KH2, a manga series has been started, but the next issue won't be released until next year.
It covers more story than the other two game's manga does, but changes some story elements, like the Dusks capturing Roxas in a cage made of Dusks, rather than a single one confronting Roxas. The first volume can be bought here.

A novel is in the works, but won't be released until June 2008.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Official KH site makeover!


Square Enix's official Kingdom Hearts site has been updated with flashy graphisc, a sound system, and Animated character renders! You can find those on the KH2 page, which is probably the largest. The Chain Of Memories page has some nice graphics, and an event log up until the Axel battle. Check it out.

Some info on the three games

Like I said, theres ALOT of info on these three games, just look at psp.gamezone:

A New Chapter in the KINGDOM HEARTS Series Delivers Three Brand-new Titles to the Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, and Mobile Phones

Square Enix, Co., Ltd. , a leading developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software and services, announced three new titles in the award-winning KINGDOM HEARTS series at the Tokyo Game Show 2007 held in Makuhari Messe. The new titles are KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days for the Nintendo DS™, KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep for the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system, and KINGDOM HEARTS coded for mobile phones. These titles are currently only confirmed for release in Japan. Release in other territories will be determined at a later date.

Click "Read More" to see the full thing, Didn't want to expand the home page anymore.

KH Japanese merchandice spot


Japanese fans of Kingdom Hearts (along with getting FM+) have the treat of the Roxas, Axel, Sora (in Valor or Wisdom form), and Demyx plushies. You can buy them from for about $15 each: Plushie list.

In Disneyland Tokyo, a little trinket that you might want to pick up (should you ever BE there) is the Disney Magical collection figues. Made by Tomy, the collection features almost any Disney Character, even Kingdom Hearts!! But if you can't get to DLT, then you can get them from Ebay: The Kingdom Hearts Figues can be found here.

Also availiable is the KH
Soundtrack About $18 containing 76 tracks,
and the KH2 Soundtrack. about $48 containing 89 tracks.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Forums expanded


The forums have been expended to be able discuss more than just Kingdom Hearts. Check it out: Forums.

I'll be updating the forum so that it'll have all codes in it, so that people needn't have to pm me on youtube.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Birth By Sleep Keyblades


In the secret FM+ trailer for Birth By Sleep (creativly titled Birth By Sleep) the battle takes palce in Sunset Horizons where the fighters are surrounded by thousands of Keyblades.
BBS Keyblades

Although Terra and Xehanort's Keybalde are brand new, most other keyblades we've seen already. Ven's keyblade is "Jungle King" from Kingdom Hearts I and Aqua's is "Wishing Lamp" from Kingdom Hearts 2. I also spotted Fenrir, Guardian Soul, and Diamond Dust.

What I meant by "Most" was that there actually are some "new" Keyblades in the mess of them in Sunset Horizons.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Kingdom Hearts action figues: where to buy


This is the official place to buy Kingdom Hearts action figures by Play Arts:
Square-Enix official store

They also have Sora's Keyblade and Mickey's keyblade approx 6" each.

The figures that are for sale are:
Sora (Wisdom Form)
Sora (Master Form)
Sora (Limit Form)
Sora (Final Form)

and also a very rare and expensive Sora valor form, but I didn't see that for sale on the site. In that category, there are also figures from Final Fantasy XII.

This is the KH merchandice page: Cat KH

There are some nice FFVII Advent Children statues, but I wouldn't be looking to buy them, their in the $200 price range.

Gamespot talks about the three new games

This is what Gamespot has to say about the next three games:

LOS ANGELES (September 21, 2007) – Square Enix, Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan, Square Enix), a leading developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software and services, announced three new titles in the award-winning KINGDOM HEARTS series at the Tokyo Game Show 2007 held in Makuhari Messe. The new titles are KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days for the Nintendo DS, KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep for the PSP (PlayStationPortable) system, and KINGDOM HEARTS coded for mobile phones. These titles are currently only confirmed for release in Japan. Release in other territories will be determined at a later date.

KINGDOM HEARTS is a fresh and original series of role-playing games created by the collaboration of The Walt Disney Company's game development affiliate, Disney Interactive Studios, and Square Enix. The first installment, released in 2002, has been followed up by two chart-topping sequels. The immense popularity of the series has earned worldwide shipments of over 11 million copies in only five and a half years.

The following pages contain additional details about KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days for the Nintendo DS, KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep for the PSP, and KINGDOM HEARTS coded for mobile phones.


Developer: Square Enix Co., Ltd. / h.a.n.d. Inc. Publisher: Square Enix Co., Ltd. Platform: Nintendo DS Genre: RPG ESRB: TBD Ship Date: TBD

The untold story of another hero. Organization XIII, Number 13, Roxas

In KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days, you will explore a variety of Disney worlds in not only single-player mode, but also in multiplayer missions made possible by the unique networking features of the Nintendo DS.

-Twilight Town- Roxas and Axel were watching the sunset from their usual spot on the station's clock tower after a long day of collecting "hearts" from the Heartless, as ordered by their organization. When their daily work ended, they often spent their evenings there. They talked about the day's work and other things over ice cream.

"Do you know why the sun looks red as it sinks below the horizon? It's because among the countless colors comprising light, red travels the greatest distance."

"You're just trying to show off, Axel!"

It was idle chatter between two boys without hearts. This is the untold story of Organization XIII's Roxas.

Staff Director : Tetsuya Nomura (FINAL FANTASY V-VIII, X, FINAL FANTASY VII ADVENT CHILDREN, KINGDOM HEARTSand#65289; Co-director: Tomohiro Hasegawa and#65288;FINAL FANTASY VIII, X, KINGDOM HEARTS seriesand#65289; Producer: Patrick Chen and#65288;KINGDOM HEARTS seriesand#65289; Executive Producer: Shinji Hashimoto and#65288;KINGDOM HEARTS seriesand#65289;


Developer: Square Enix Co., Ltd. Publisher: Square Enix Co., Ltd. Platform: PSP Genre: RPG ESRB: TBD Ship Date: TBD

It was an awakening that would signal the beginning of the KINGDOM HEARTS saga.

KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep is the tale of a new trio of heroes, told across three scenarios utilizing the groundbreaking technology of the PSP. Exciting new features will be introduced on top of the traditional controls, game system, and visual style of its predecessors.

The Keyblade is said to hold phenomenal power. One legend says its wielder saved the world, while another says that he wrought chaos and ruin upon it. —from Ansem's Report (KINGDOM HEARTS)

Long before Sora took up the Keyblade, there were other Keyblade masters. One of these masters, Xehanort, disappeared one day along with his apprentice. This event proved to be a foreshadowing of great disaster to come. Aware of the threat, another master ordered his three apprentices to seek out Xehanort and his cohort.

Staff Director : Tetsuya Nomura (FINAL FANTASY V-VIII, X, FINAL FANTASY VII ADVENT CHILDREN, KINGDOM HEARTSand#65289; Co-director: Tai Yasue and#65288;KINGDOM HEARTS Re: Chain of Memoriesand#65289; Producer: Patrick Chen and#65288;KINGDOM HEARTS seriesand#65289; Co-producer: Yoichi Yoshimoto (Musashi Series, KINGDOM HEARTS CHAIN OF MEMORIES) Executive Producer: Shinji Hashimoto and#65288;KINGDOM HEARTS seriesand#65289;


Developer: Square Enix Co., Ltd. Publisher: Square Enix Co., Ltd. Platform: Mobile Phones (devices/carriers TBD) Genre: RPG ESRB: TBD Ship Date: TBD

A Disney universe as vast as the mobile network awaits you.

In KINGDOM HEARTS coded, you will journey through a variety of Disney worlds on an exciting adventure brought to life by advanced mobile phone technology and gorgeous graphics never before seen on the platform. This marks the first collaboration between Square Enix and the Walt Disney Internet Group.

After the events of KINGDOM HEARTS, Jiminy Cricket returned to Disney Castle to organize his journal. While he arranged his records, his eyes fell upon a page with a mysterious message.

We must return to free them from their torment.

However, no matter how hard Jiminy tried to recall the source of the text, he couldn't remember. So the King digitized the contents of the journal and started an investigation. Within the world traced from the contents of Jiminy's Journal, a boy awoke on Destiny Island. It was the beginning of a new quest for a virtual Sora.

Staff Director: Tetsuya Nomura (FINAL FANTASY V-VIII, X, FINAL FANTASY VII ADVENT CHILDREN, KINGDOM HEARTSand#65289; Co-director: Hajime Tabata and#65288;BEFORE CRISIS –FINAL FANTASY VII–, CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII-and#65289; Producer: Kakuko Obinata and#65288;KINGDOM HEARTS seriesand#65289; Associate Producer: Kousei Itou and#65288;BEFORE CRISIS -FINAL FANTASY VII-and#65289; Executive Producer: Shinji Hashimoto and#65288;KINGDOM HEARTS seriesand#65289;

Source:Psp Gamespot

Monday, October 8, 2007

More news of the 358/2 Days KH games:

It seems that most info on the next three games has mostly dried up. But, there still is quite a bit of info out there.

In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for Nintendo DS, you will explore a variety of Disney worlds in not only single player mode. But also in (cooperative) multiplayer missions made possible by the unique networking features of the DS in an all-new and mysterious Kingdom Hearts storyline.
The latest issue of the Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu reveals the first screenshots of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It gives a nice look at what to expect from the DS action-RPG. Square Enix will let Japanese developer H.A.N.D. make the new game, but the Kingdom Hearts people are overseeing the project. Tetsuya Nomura is the director, with Tomohiro Hasegawa, who served as art director and was responsible for texture work in Kingdom Hearts II, serving as co-director. On the H.A.N.D. side, the head of production is Kouji Yamamoto. He previously worked on Chocobo and the Magic Picture Book.
The storyline will focus on Roxas and his time with Organization XIII. The game will tell the story of why why Roxas attempted to enter the Organization XIII, and eventually why he attempted to leave. The game starts off when Roxas enters Organization XIII, but we could end up seeing his birth in the game’s prologue.
Looking at the Kingdom Hearts story timeline, the game takes place before Kingdom Hearts II, during the one year period where Sora is asleep. Sora’s memory is being reconstructed during that time. The development staff is currently thinking up some methods for incorporating the ability to see Sora’s memories into the game; this is just in the idea phase, but it could involve something that focuses on the connection between Sora and Roxas.

The game’s single player mode will focus on the Disney worlds. The developers are selecting the worlds from past titles that fit in well with the new title. According to Hasegawa, the game may end up featuring different types of play for each world.
As for gameplay specifics, the three developers aren’t talking. Hasegawa hinted that the game will have the action-oriented gameplay of past titles, although he admitted that there’s a problem with button count. The lack of buttons on the DS is an area that H.A.N.D. is currently addressing.
Outside of the single player story mode, the game will include a multiplayer mode. This mode has nothing to do with the storyline, according to Nomura, but it will likely have some connection as far as items and character growth are concerned.
Four players can play together in multiplayer mode. The game will let players select from all members of Organization XIII, with at least thirteen characters on offer. The characters have different skills and different weapons.
Multiplayer mode will be mission-based, with bosses to fight and puzzles and traps to clear. The focus will be on short gameplay experiences with high replay value. We can look forward to both competitive and cooperative modes, with Yamamoto even hinting that a score attack mode could be in the works.
About the game’s name “Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days,” according to Nomura, it’s actually a code name whose meaning players will only understand once they’ve cleared the game. He provides somewhat of a hint, though. The term ‘days’ in the title refers to the fact that the game progresses on a daily basis, telling the daily life of Organization XIII.

Source: Videogames Blogger

Interseting how the multiplayer mode has nothing to do with the story! I still wanna paly as Axel.

Kingdom Hearts Featured Article


On Oct. 4th Kingdom Hearts was the daily featured article on WikiPedia!!
This could mean that Wikipedia was giving KH some recognition, what with all the info on the three new games.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Final Mix + progress

So I've beat Marluxia, Roxas, Luxord, and Xaldin of the data rematches. I've comepleted 4 mushroom challenges, and I've gotten Terra's HP bar down to more than half.

Also, uptades on the site that are comming sooon: Featured Vids box, Downloads!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Halloween isn't for some time yet, but... NewKidAye's request, I give you this:

I present Psykera, my main City of Heroes character, in her Larxene Halloween costume. Sadly, not even CoH's legendary character customizer could get me Larxene's hairstyle, but I think I did pretty good with the rest. It's a pity that's just a graphic and Psyk can't actually shoot lightning.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Terra and Aqua

It seems that new news of KH Coded, Birth By Sleep, and 358/2 days has stopped for a little bit. So, lets take a look at some of the new characters!

When I checked the theater of FM+ this was titled (in clear English mind you) GATHERING. The other trailer is known as Birth By Sleep. But, I won't have a vid of my own on that until I beat Terra which won't be for awhile.

As for Terra, he's immensly powerfull, seems unbeatable, can turn his Keyblade into many shapes and sizes a keyblade should NEVER be. He turns it into; A HoverCar-thing, a bow, a boxing glove, a giant gun, and a hammer. I can handle him for quite awhile having Stitch summoned but he'll use an attack that locks all my commands and I have to select a different command to be able to free myself from this. Eventhough Terra looks hard-core in BBS (Not the PsP game the secret ending) he seems to have a different personality in the game, as in he seems closer to Ven (In BBS he just pushes Ven aside.)
But what I'm really finding intersting is that no pics of Aqua have been shown yet. In a new scene in FM+ Xemnas was shown referring to Aqua's rusted aurmor as "Old Friend." Is there some sort of secret about Aqua we don't know?

Monday, October 1, 2007

Who IS Axel?

Well, who? Nothing about the guy makes any sense at all.

He pretty much orchestrated it so that every other member of the Organization but him in Chain of Memories died. If he knew that Marluxia and Larxene were planning to ty and take over the Organization, why didn’t he just call Lexaeus, Vexen, and Zexion? Marluxia’s a wimp and Larxene is pretty damn kickass, but Lexaeus is positively manlytough, Axel’s a monster, and Vexen is nothing like as wimpy as he’d made out to be. They could have quickly overpowered both of them and used Namine and the castle as they saw fit.

Instead, Axel saw to it that he was ordered to kill Vexen to “preserve his cover” and then, for absolutely no reason, had Zexion killed by the Riku replica. He also sat by and let the real Riku defeat Lexaeus when he could have stopped it all from happening in the first place –but he still attacked Marluxia and clearly wanted to stop the Organization from being overthrown.

Which begs the question: Who the hell was Axel actually taking orders from? Add that to Kingdom Hearts 2, in which he utterly disobeys the Organization and puts their plans in jeopardy by trying to bring Roxas back, and then he comes to Sora’s rescue and sacrifices himself. If he didn’t have emotions, why did he do it?

The answer, I believe, is that Axel somehow got part of his heart back. Maybe he didn’t even realize it – but his association with Roxas somehow gave him back part of his emotions, and that drove him to help Roxas by helping Sora.

And then there’s the question of exactly whose Nobody is Axel? We know nothing about any of Organization aside from the first six members before they became Nobodies. Axel is one of the ones who genuinely wanted his heart back (alongside Xaldin and Saix) as opposed to, say, Xigbar, Luxord, or Larxene, who just looked like they were having fun.

Axel’s name in particular stands out, too. You wouldn’t think Luxord would be much of a name, either, but upon scrutinizing it, it becomes clear that he could have been something like Drolu or Rodul, which isn’t too far-fetched. But Axel? There’s only four letters and only one non-X consonant, what the heck was his name? Ael? Eal? Ela? The name was pretty obviously made by the designers to sound badass, but what if there’s more to it than that? I mean, obviously Axel would want to call himself something kickass. But what if he wanted to hide who he actually was?

Think about Roxas and Sora. They look rather alike (similar features, similar hair) but you can very easily tell that they’re different people.

Now think about Axel and Riku.

I can’t help but notice a similar resemblance. They have a similar hairstyle and their eyes look very much alike. And that’s my theory: Axel was – or is – Riku’s Nobody. It seems obvious that Riku almost – or maybe actually - lost his heart at some point or another – what if almost was enough? “Xakiur” would certainly have wanted to exist. And after realizing both how goddamned hard it is to make an Organization name out of Riku, and that Xemnas would have tried to perform all sorts of terrible darkness experiments on him if he knew he had the Nobody of the boy Xehanort’s Heartless had marked in his group…

…I wouldn’t tell them my real name, either. So he said “My name is Ael” and they came up with Axel. Maybe Xigbar recruited him, he isn’t too bright. Because, the more I think about it, the less likely it seems that such a huge plot hole would be left in such a major character. The only problem with this theory is that Riku is about sixteen, and Axel looks like a man in his mid-twenties.

My next bit of random speculation is just an observation on the Keyblade – exactly what are its properties?

I wonder this because let’s take a look at Xaldin for instance. Using the “Learn” reaction command, Sora can teleport – exactly the way Xaldin does – and deliver a devastating attack that bypasses Xaldin’s defenses. How the hell does Sora know how to do that?

And what about Xigbar? Not only does Sora suddenly manifest the ability to teleport, but he anticipates the movement of his reflected projectiles and knows exactly how to deflect them so that hey hit Xigbar or the Snipers. He also can somehow stand in the air the way Xigbar does.

Swordmaster or not, Sora is a fifteen year old kid who thinks that whacking a computer with his Keyblade will make it work. I’m not saying he’s stupid, because he isn’t, but Sora does /not/ know how to teleport and figure what must be immensely complicated trajectories just by looking at stuff. I’m not even going to bring up all the little things he does where he somehow knows exactly how to use his enemies’ strengths against them. How can he wield the Berzerkers’ claymores and Marluxia’s scythe? Does he anticipate that throwing Larxene at herself will stun her? How does he twirl his Keyblade precisely so that he can grab hold of the giant meteor ball Heartless, and how does he somehow learn the Rising Sun technique from the Armored Knights?

Wow, I totally just went into all the little things he does. My point is that it seems that the Keyblade has some ability to absorb the power of its opponents. Is this significant? Probably not, it’s just the anime-inspired nature of Kingdom Hearts. Is it interesting? Yes.

And last but not least, theories on the upcoming Kingdom Hearts games, mainly 368/2 Days. This is, for me and NewKid, the most anticipated of the three – screw Terra. I want to be Xigbar and Saix (MOVE ASIDE) and NewKid’s been wanting to play as Axel since Kingdom Hearts 2 came out. The 14th member? Many people are saying it’s Aqua or her Nobody, and this probably makes sense in some way. What concerns me is not the member’s identity, but her purpose. It’s Organization XIII. There are thirteen members, the Organization is complete. Why bring in a fourteenth?

My theory is that someone – I doubt it was Xemnas, he isn’t sane enough at this point – made a backup plan. If I were Saix, or maybe Xaldin, I sure would have after the Organization took so many casualties in Castle Oblivion. So they left behind a fourteenth member of the Organization to carry on if they failed. On second thought, maybe it was Xemnas – he’d have wanted someone to carry on his twisted world-creation experiments. Trouble is that the only major female characters there are are Kairi and Aqua… but that’s what new games are for, isn’t it?

I’m betting a lot of the game will revolve around the Organization’s forays into worlds, summoning vast numbers of Heartless and then helping Roxas lay waste to them to gather hearts. But something unexpected happens – maybe we’ll get to see Roxas turning his back on the Organization, and maybe learn a thing or two about Axel. I’d like to see more of the Organization’s past. Maybe learn who Saix or Larxene used to be…

Only time will tell. And we’re buying two goddamn DSes.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

More pics yay!

Roxas Gliding

This picture makes it look like Roxas is gliding. The battle system in 358/2 days has been changed a little in that all attacks are triggered by a card-based system, which you'll need since the Organization members have a wide range of attacks.

Playing as Siax
I finnally was able to crop the Siax pic.

Roxas in Wonderland
This is just another pic of the 4-player combat. The slogan of the game is: "Alone, explore disney worlds!. With friends, play as Organization members!!." There probably is a story mode for both 1 player and 4 players. (This is the first multiplayer KH game.)

KH Coded and 358/2 days battle system graphics aren't as good as cutscene (There on DS and cellphone) but scenes and battles in Birth By Sleep look fantastic.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New's Monthly wrap-up


So this week has had alot of new info on the next three KH games, Birth By Sleep, Coded, and 358/2 days (That last one doesn't make sence to me at all...) Anyway, I finished the cavenrs of Rembrance and tried each organization Data Rematch and couldn't beat any of them. I'll get back to Rev/Reb while taking some time to level myself up a bit (I leveled up 7 times last night.)

What interests me most is a 14th member of Organization XIII:
14th organization member

I think that she could very well be Namine but we'll just have to wait and see what develops.


I was looking at and I saw this pic:
New Keyblades

Are these life-sized? They look it to me but one can never be sure. If you've got any info or know how big these are give this post a comment. (I opened the comments to not only blogger members but for guests too.)


I have some Kingdom Hearts action figures I'll try to post pics of soon.

Birth By Sleep gameplay and screen shots

KH BBs battle system 1

KH BBs battle system 2

Terra and Ven

A very detailed look at Ven's outfit. But whats strange is that there've been no pics of Aqua.

This pic kinda makes Xehanort look funny lol.
Xenahort 1

Ven 2

Should you want any of these pics for avatars or stuff just right-click and click "Save as."

KH 358/2 days Battle system


I've found some screenshots of the Kh 358/2 Days battle system:

Roxas in new game

Playing as Axel
(New's note: This is the bestest thing ever that you can play as Axel XD)

Playing as Xigbar
(New's note: Siax is also playable.)

Playing as Roxas

More Pics:

Terra in his new game

KH New Game

KH Coded 2

KH Coded

It seems that the entire on-line KH comminuty is on fire with info about these next games lol.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

KH Trailer Sceen shots

Hey, Heres some screen shots of the trailer that were taken by a magaziene:


Kh New Game 2

Also, I discovered a horrible fact that I can't fight a single organization data rematch. Instead, I'll be continuing to be posting Rev/Reb vids. I'm gonna be leveling myself up in FM.


Not yet, for it is Christmas and I bear stuff!

Hello, ladies and gents. I am TehWarsmith, friend of NewKidAye and author of the Organization XIII Christmas party, titled "Organization XIIImas. I'll hopefully be contributing to this blog, though I can't hold a candle to NewKid in Kingdom Hearts.I would like to present to you the following preview...

The doorbell rang. There was a timid knock. Xemnas came bustling back into the living room, his arms full of wrapping paper. He peered over the armful and gasped, dropping it all on the ground at the state of the room. Xemnas frantically threw the wrappings aside and rushed around. Tendrils of nothingness snaked from his fingertips, sanding down the floor, righting the couch, straightening the pictures, and replacing and alphabetizing the papers. Even as he finished there was another timid knock. “Coming, coming!” called Xemnas, recalling the nothingness into his hands and opening the door.

“Merry Christmas!” boomed Xemnas as Vexen stepped over the threshold. He was immediately struck on the head by a picture of Demyx surfing at the beach. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” Xemnas cried as Vexen collapsed. “Xaldin’s putting up the tree, and you know how he gets…” The Superior’s words were punctuated with a rumble and several loud clangs, followed by an Asian voice cursing loudly. “No, no, it’s fine, Xemnas…” Vexen mumbled. “I’ll be in the corner making an ice sculpture of Riku.”

Xemnas began gathering up the dropped wrapping paper. As Vexen picked himself up, rubbed his head, and pulled out his shield, the door was thrown open. A man leapt into the room, did a power slide, and started hammering off a guitar solo. The door swung closed. Vexen, mushed flat, slowly slid off the wall. Xemnas cried, “Ahh, Demyx, our Melodious Nocturne! Will you be in charge of entertainment tonight?” “’course I will! You did not pick the wrong guy for this one!” “Very good!” said Xemnas, clapping his hands. “Now, we need only the rest…”

*bow* Xaldin's battles with his greatest foe. Discover the great secret of Xigbar's coat. What dread experiments is Axel conducting in his basement? Learn what Marluxia's idea of good presents are. The answers will shake you to your very core.

Especially that last one.

I mean, come on. Look at the dude's hair.

Caverns of Remembrance - Finished!!

I leveled up to Lv 65 and I completed the cavenrs of remembrance! Yayy XD

Completed part 1

Completed part 2

Grand tour

I'm gonna try to show vids of the data rematches... once I can actually fight them!! Lol.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Previous KH Cellphone game

Since KH coded is a cellphone game I bought the original Kingdom Hearts Mobile game. It's made by Disney Mobile and... It's not the best game ever, but it kept me entertained. The Story is about Sora Donald and Goofy travelling somewhere in the Gummy ship and Sora falling asleep and spiriling into dreams of darkness (What??) anyway, the worlds in the game are: Some sort of piratey islands, Wonderland, Agraba, and Maleficent's Castle. each world is done base on subjects in the book that weren't in the game, for example, wonderland has that beach that is between day and night, The catipillar, and some sort of lake.

The gameplay is easy and hard at the same time, Items are only acivated when you run out of HP and MP and the Attack and Jump button is the "Ok" button on your phone, alternating when you'd need it.

Donald and Goofy play a small role in the game and although Jiminy is with Sora, he is never shown nor can you acess his journal.

The game is good enough by my standards. Only get it if your in a waiting room for something, or on a road trip when your not driving (lol.)


New Game info

Hey everybody,

Since there's been alot of recent interest in the new KH games I've collected info from game sites who got to see the next game trailer.

Coded and 358/2 Days -

Three new Kingdom Hearts titles were shown in Square Enix's private theater at this year's Tokyo Game Show. In addition to incredibly silly titles, the games all shared one thing in common: they will set new technical benchmarks on the platforms that they arrive on.

First up is Kingdom Hearts Coded, a unique reinterpretation of the original Kingdom Hearts game. The trailer begins with an ominous message that leads Jiminy Cricket in a frantic race to Mickey Mouse, to send Sora through a digitally recreated version of the original Kingdom Hearts. In Coded, players will be able to enter a "Debug Mode" which allows players to alter the world around them. In one sequence, we saw Sora gain the ability to run through objects, such as blocks. What he ran through would then explode, reinforcing the notion that Sora can have dominion of his world: it's like playing a Kingdom Hearts fanfic written by a hardcore aficionado of The Matrix. Of course, as cool as this may sound, chances are you'll never play it. It's frustratingly yet another one of the countless cell phone games that Square Enix has in development.

The other games showcased will certainly be more relevant to the Joystiq reader. "The time of the other side ... " the trailer begins. This will be Roxas' adventure, following the trials of Organization XIII. The battle system resembles the one featured in the past two console games, but there's a few new twists. Members of Organization XIII are aerially gifted, being able to float away at a whim. They also work together: we saw a four player co-operative mode on display which looks quite fun. Amazingly, the game manages to maintain visuals that are strikingly similar to the PS2 originals, albeit a bit more pixelated. Oh, and did we mention that this is on the Nintendo DS? Oh, and did we mention the title: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Certainly not the catchiest of titles. But, that wasn't the end of Kingdom Hearts games revealed today

Birth by Sleep

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, revealed at Tokyo Game Show today, is a brand new PSP game that expands the story of the franchise not by looking forward, but by looking back. This prequel stars a character that strongly resembles (but is not) Zack from Final Fantasy VII (and most recently, Crisis Core). In addition, we see a character that appears to be a clone of Roxas -- but that's impossible, considering the massive time difference between Birth by Sleep and the original console games. Certainly, there's a lot of mysteries surrounding this upcoming title.

As this preview video shows, the game features a much darker and sinister feel than the console predecessors. The character designs feature a rougher look, especially the main villains, featured above. The new hero, being of a much older age than the previous heroes, also adds a much more mature feel to the overall presentation. The new keyblade also feels much more menacing, being able to shoot projectiles rather quickly. From the little we got to see at Tokyo Game Show, it seems as though the gameplay of Birth by Sleep will most closely follow the PS2 originals of the new Kingdom Hearts games announced today.

This is easily the most technologically impressive Kingdom Hearts game announced today, and although it's not a next-gen sequel, this PSP iteration looks to satiate the needs of the Kingdom Hearts gamers everywhere.

Source: TGS07


Friday, September 21, 2007

Pics I made of the New KH Games poster

Hey, I just cropped these pics that anyone can use for avatars or whatever. These pics don't matter to me wether or not their credited.

The King
The King

The Missing Two
The Missing two...

Those who pretend to have hearts
Those who pretend to have hearts...

We Must go back, To ease their pain.
We Must go back to ease their pain...

The Dark Keyblade Masters
The Dark Keyblade Masters

Just Right-click and click "Save As".

New KH Game logos

KH 358by2 Days Logo

KH Coded Logo

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep logo